Saturday, September 3, 2011

Long Time No Speak

I was working so hard on the other side of this pieces, when all of a sudden I turned it over and realized I could make so much more out of the underside.  The dancing lady was added in the negative space and I just love her.

Despite the reflection of the flash from my camera, I think this captures the essence of the piece -- and how perfect for the end of Summer, as its title is Green Vistas
I apologize for the lack of communication.  It has been three months and I feel like it has been a year.  The summer has flown--why do we always say "flown by"?  I mean, really, it could have sunk, run away, drowned, meandered (if it seemed slow), scuttled, swam, or  hopped.  In essence, the time has been spent--and sometimes it seems to have gone by quickly and sometimes dragged on like a horrible and persistent canker sore.  For the most part, I just feel that it has passed and as with all passings, you look back and think, I could have done more or I am glad I did that, or a little bit of both.  For now, I'll say--a little of both.  The good news is that I  have been published.  For all you beadaholics out there, go take a look at Beadwork Magazine--my piece is on page 56.  Very exciting.  And though I am sad to feel the air getting cooler and am nostalgic for lazy days with my children, the impending schedule of school and work seems almost refreshing and inspiring.  So much of summer is said to be inspiring--the warm weather, the beach, the colors--but in actuality, I got very little, new work completed this season.  Perhaps, summertime is my art hibernation time.  So I greet Autumn with a mixture of anticipation and wistfulness.

1 comment:

  1. I do love the under side of that. The lady is very cool on the white. Also, great description of time flying by,or whatever it does! hee!
